
Confused? Obsessed? Fed Up?

It makes complete sense why you are totally confused about weight loss?

Pills, TikTok and Instagram fads, physician-led programs, celebrity endorsed programs, personal trainers telling you how to eat, meal programs, multi-level marketing products and services, meal plans on the internet, and the list goes on and on and on and on. Not sure any of these programs are really interested in finding out why YOU specifically struggle with your weight. They are only interested in selling their program.

I am not here to sell a program; I am here to help you uncover the root cause of why you have difficulty losing weight. I look for physical, emotional and/or mental imbalances that are barriers to your weight loss goals.

The top reasons why you have failed with diets and long-term weight loss

1.) You have been on the wrong diet because it did not fit your lifestyle. These diets probably did not fit your lifestyle (flexibility, likability, balance of nutrients, budget, time constraints, etc.). Go to my Meal Planning page for more information.

2.) You have been on the wrong diet because it was not specific to your biochemistry. A variety of body imbalances can be barriers to reaching a healthy weight. Instead of another new diet, you may need a digestive reset or a hormone reset or a combination. I can help you determine what is standing in your way. Go to my pages on Digestion, Hormones, Energy, Anxiety, Covid, Genetics, Autoimmunity, Skin, Detox, Athletic Performance, Cholesterol for more information.

3.) When you started a diet, you really were not ready to prioritize your health. When prioritizing your health, this often means something else in your life must take a backseat. Meal planning, grocery shopping, meal prepping, cooking, and eating take up time and energy. Do you have the time and energy? If not, are you willing to find it?

4.) You have emotional connections to food and/or food addictions that you have not properly addressed. Go to my Food Relationships page for more information. When you are no longer using food emotionally as a coping mechanism, you will experience freedom. This is where you find your natural weight.

5.) You have body image issues, and you think that you need to lose weight to feel better about yourself. Negative body image thoughts do not motivate you; they make you feel bad and keep you stuck in the shame-guilt cycle. They keep you on the continued quest for the next best diet. Listen, negative body image thoughts will likely never go away. Trust me, I personally have them daily. That is ok, because the good news is your thoughts are just “thoughts”. They are not “truths”. Your thoughts only have power over you if you give them power. You get to decide to change the relationship you have with yourself. If you think that you will love yourself more when you change things you don’t like about yourself, you are wrong. Why? Because love is unconditional. This means you don’t have to change anything. You just need to accept yourself. And instead of listing reasons why you need to accept yourself, try finding reasons why you shouldn’t. I can’t think of any. If you are needing help with this, I usually try to start my clients on a daily scheduled meditation practice. If you want to get better at anything, you must practice! It is not optional. It is crucial to practice kind loving words and thoughts to combat the opposite thoughts. Sometimes you may find yourself getting stuck in this work and you might need additional help. We all get stuck at times and need extra guidance and support. Emotions can get trapped in the body unknowingly, for this I highly suggest reiki therapy. Go to my Healing Partners page and Food Relationships page for more information.

6.) You are clueless about how to feed yourself well. Maybe you have not really cared about healthy eating until now? Maybe meal planning and cooking seem foreign to you? Maybe you are overwhelmed with all the advice out there? Making small changes can lead to big results. Learning new skills takes time and practice. I will help you make changes slowly to develop habits that you love! Check out my Meal Planning page for more information.

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