About trUbalance Nutrition

trUbalance is Personalized Nutrition

You won’t find my definition of personalized nutrition in a book, in an article, on Instagram or Facebook, from your neighbor, friends or your family physician. Even a genotype report or routine lab work will miss the mark. However, you will find it in my ability, as a functional dietitian/nutritionist, to exercise “application”. This involves the daunting task of assimilating all of the research, lab work, food science, nutrigenomics, supplements, herbs, oils, and other therapy modalities, and applying them directly to YOU. This is truly personalized nutrition from a professional who understands the complexities and the interconnectedness of your body’s systems as a whole. trUbalance Nutrition is your trusted health resource built from compassion, expertise, and science that focuses on combining the following three elements required for a personalized clear-cut wellness plan: Testing, Diet, Supplements.

this is how it works...


Nutritional lab work reveals how your body is working at its deepest level. This way I can target your therapy without the guesswork!


Food is the key to optimal health. Diets are complicated, and you may have figured out by now that social media does not have the answers. Good news though, I do.


Supplements supply extra nutrients that are essential for a longer, healthier, more vital life. I can help you discover your supplement prescription.

Start or Get More Help with Rachelle

Book Your 1 Hour Consultation Offering open times on Wednesday & Friday.


Select Follow Up Appointment I will work with you to schedule a time once your request is received.

Pick a plan and let's get started...


Order your own test and get results & recommendations emailed straight to your email inbox.


As a full-service client, you will have your own personal Functional Nutrition Practitioner at your fingertips.


This plan will tell you exactly what supplements you need and what supplements you do not need. Included in Self-Starter and Comprehensive Plans.

Choose the plan that’s right for you.

Contact Rachelle

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